

Breakfast, lunches & dinners — eat what you fancy at each mealtime!

Butterflied Lamb & Kiwifruit Salsa
9 years ago

Butterflied Lamb & Kiwifruit Salsa

By  •  Meals

I feel like I spend a big chunk of my time thinking of quick meals that pack a good flavour punch — time I could have just spent in the kitchen most likely! …
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Smoked Fish Pie
9 years ago

Smoked Fish Pie

By  •  Meals

My sister “I’m bringing round some smoked fish so you can cook us dinner”. Me “Okay” :-)


SERVES 4-6 Ingredients

500-600g smoked Kahawai drizzle of olive oil 1 brown onion, …
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Sweet pumpkin ‘porridge’
9 years ago

Sweet pumpkin ‘porridge’

By  •  Meals

I’m not going to lie, some days I still miss my hot porridge, and my cereal, and my Greek yoghurt. But yay, this little number takes care of all three …
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Chia Breakfast Pud
9 years ago

Chia Breakfast Pud

The good thing about these breakfast puds (apart from having pudding for breakfast!) is that you can make them up the night before and they are ready to eat in the …
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Pumpkin & Blueberry Pancakes
9 years ago

Pumpkin & Blueberry Pancakes

By  •  Meals

I can’t believe how insanely cheap pumpkins get at this time of year — I’ve been buying giant sized Crown Pumpkins at my local fruit & veg shop for a …
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Pumpkin hashies
9 years ago

Pumpkin hashies

By  •  Meals

I’ve gone a bit pumpkin crazy of late — but who can blame me when the price of them is so ridiculously cheap?! It’s one of those great value for …
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Sesame pork balls
9 years ago

Sesame pork balls

By  •  Meals

I only have three things to say about these — make them in bulk, cook them all or freeze raw balls in baggies, eat for three meals in a row …
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Easy Red Pork Curry
9 years ago

Easy Red Pork Curry

By  •  Meals

Ok, there are a million things better but lately I’ve been having trouble dragging myself into the kitchen to cook dinner. I don’t know if it’s lack of sleep, or …
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