

Fresh Tomato Salad
8 years ago

Fresh Tomato Salad

I can’t grow tomatoes. Believe me I have tried, year after year with little to no success … maybe I’ll get one tomato, two if I’m lucky, which then gets gobbled …
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Butterflied Lamb & Kiwifruit Salsa
9 years ago

Butterflied Lamb & Kiwifruit Salsa

By  •  Meals

I feel like I spend a big chunk of my time thinking of quick meals that pack a good flavour punch — time I could have just spent in the kitchen most likely! …
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Crunchy Fennel & Apple Salad
9 years ago

Crunchy Fennel & Apple Salad

Aaaaah fennel, your aromatic taste is so unique, your texture so crunchy, I think I love you! Seriously though (actually that was pretty serious) if you haven’t tried fennel, now is …
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Raw Beetroot & Carrot Salad
9 years ago

Raw Beetroot & Carrot Salad

This salad has such a sweet earthy flavour of raw beetroot along with the refreshing mint and crunchy seeds, it has to be one of my faves. Served with roast lamb and …
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Green Capsicum & Eggplant Dip
9 years ago

Green Capsicum & Eggplant Dip

By  •  Snacks

This is my go-to when I want to take a pre-dinner snack to the first of the summer barbeques and which, not coincidentally, seems to be when eggplants are super …
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Waldorf Salad Cups
9 years ago

Waldorf Salad Cups

I can’t make a Waldorf salad without thinking of the famous ‘Faulty Towers waldorf salad episode’ (if you are too young it’s worth a watch when you have a minute) and …
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Orange, Fennel & Parsley Salad
9 years ago

Orange, Fennel & Parsley Salad

At this time of year, my parsley plant is growing like a weed – so before it starts to go to seed I try to use as much as possible. …
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Pineapple & Mint Carpaccio
10 years ago

Pineapple & Mint Carpaccio

By  •  Treats

After all the rich Christmas food consumed over the last week, this refreshing little number is a perfect way to start the new year. With it’s fresh flavours it can …
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