

Tart Cherry Bites
8 years ago

Tart Cherry Bites

I’d been thinking for some time about the kind of snacks I wanted for my Spirited Women Adventure Race and to be honest I couldn’t think much past the scroggin mix …
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Hazelnut Choc-chunk Cookies
8 years ago

Hazelnut Choc-chunk Cookies

I had an early mountain bike ride all lined up with a group of girlfriends for the morning of my birthday — what a great way to start the day right?! …
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Love Slice
8 years ago

Love Slice

I’m not hugely into Valentine’s Day but when I realised I would be away on a girls training weekend, my wife-guilt started to kick in a little. Just a little mind …
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Cranberry Macaroons
9 years ago

Cranberry Macaroons

It’s that time of year when I still want a little something sweet-ish to pack in our picnic basket — not over the top sweet after all the Christmas indulgences but just …
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Christmas Morning Balls
10 years ago

Christmas Morning Balls

If you need a little something whilst opening the presents or indeed, in the weeks leading up to xmas, these antioxidant-rich morsels should sort you out. Bursting with selenium for …
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Cherry Bombs
11 years ago

Cherry Bombs

By  •  Treats

One of my sisters just LOVES anything coconut. Or anything cherry. And the combination of the two makes her a little bit squeally – and guess what her favourite candy is? …
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Pecan & Caramel Bark
11 years ago

Pecan & Caramel Bark

By  •  Treats

That soft nutty taste with lingering hints of salt and honey and velvety with crunchy cocoa nibs… omg every time I make this I have to immediately give most of it …
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