

Frozen Choc-coated Bananas
9 years ago

Frozen Choc-coated Bananas

By  •  Treats

Initially I thought this would be a perfect dessert for kids – both for the making of them and the eating of course, and don’t get me wrong it totally …
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Gingered Pears
9 years ago

Gingered Pears

By  •  Treats

It’s feeling like spring is near, but just not near enough! It is time for a change of food though — I still feel like warm dishes, but with some added freshness. The …
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Almond & Orange Biscuits
9 years ago

Almond & Orange Biscuits

Miss 9 wrote about the origins of the ANZAC biscuit at school this week — although there are many accounts of how they came about, according to her they were …
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Paleo Pad Thai
9 years ago

Paleo Pad Thai

By  •  Meals

Kelp noodles!! The second ingredient I received for my Mystery Box Challenge series … and after what seems like months of barbecued meat and salad meals, I was definitely ready for something …
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Caramel Mesquite Slice
10 years ago

Caramel Mesquite Slice

By  •  Treats

Mesquite powder… the first ingredient I received for my Mystery Box Challenge series… and in true challenge style, it was not something I’d ever used or really knew how to …
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Paleo Christmas Cake!
11 years ago

Paleo Christmas Cake!

By  •  Treats

Twas the week before Christmas and all thro’ the house, there was whining coming from my lovely spouse, He looked so sad and his head gave a shake, “Please tell …
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Feijoa & Apple Crumble
11 years ago

Feijoa & Apple Crumble

By  •  Treats

I used the last of my feijoa stash on this crumble and I wasn’t disappointed! That sweet feijoa flavour intensifies with baking and makes a lovely syrupy sauce at the …
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Nut Clusters with a Kick
12 years ago

Nut Clusters with a Kick

Due to popular demand they are featuring heavily in our picnic basket at the moment – definitely something to look forward to after a long ocean swim.

For this recipe …
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